Campaign Progress

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Countdown to Event Day


We are so grateful for your participation in the
25th annual Monterey Bay Walk & Roll to Cure ALS!

What a beautiful, meaningful, and fun day - made even more special by YOU!

A big thank you to all of our volunteers, participants, sponsors, and donors for all that you do for the ALS community!

Although our event day is over, we still have a finish line to cross. We can't stop our efforts to reach our important goal of $50,000. So, let's keep the momentum going! Share your event-day experience with your donors and potential supporters in the way of photos, videos, and words; and continue fundraising in support of ALS care, cures, and community.

Your fundraising pages will remain open for the rest of the year, and with Facebook fundraising now integrated, your efforts to achieve and exceed your goals should be easier than ever.

Contact us at for assistance and ideas. Let's #cureALStogether!

Fundraising for the Walk & Roll to Cure ALS accelerates progress toward the discovery of effective prevention strategies, treatments, and cures for ALS. All proceeds benefit the mission priorities of the ALS Network (formerly ALS Golden West) related to care, research, and advocacy.

Walk & Roll to Cure ALS staff are here to coach and assist you every step of the way! You can also visit our FAQs page.

Be sure to follow our Instagram account @alswalkrollcure to see some of the event day photos as we receive them! Plus, be sure to tag us and use the hashtag #cureALStogether so we can repost your stories and photos!

Give Help and Hope to the ALS Community

Our efforts to end ALS would not be possible
without the generous support of the following companies:




Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula


Fidelity Investments


Scurich Insurance

My Best Homecare


Salinas Valley Health


Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Monterey Walk & Roll to Cure ALS? Reach out to today and learn more about some exciting opportunities to partner with us!

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